Sooo recently, being unhappy with my dating status and unsure of how to meet quality single men in New York, I signed up for for one month. I've always been very averse to doing this sort of thing for fear that someone will "find me" and I'll be embarrassed about how pathetic I feel. Although nowadays, I think online dating is pretty normal, so really I just need to get over myself and stupid insecurities.
It's like 2 weeks into my month long thing and nothing has come of it. There's been 3 major problems with most of the guys who have 'winked' or emailed me. 1. They're not attractive or not my type. 2. They don't live in the city. 3. They tYpE LyKe dIs. In all fairness, I haven't exactly been proactive in trying to find someone. Even in online dating I'm much more comfortable being the passive one. I want them to come to me, you know?
The whole point of this post... I was just checking my Daily 5 (5 people they think you'll be interested in) to see what sort of group decided was my type on this particular day, and lo and behold, there is this guy I know. We went to the same college although didn't really know each other before moving to NYC. We're both in the same line of work so we hung out a few times at the beginning of the summer. He was being kinda creepy though and weird, and was a little to clingy right away, so we drifted apart eventually. He also hooked up with one of my best friends freshman year of college and told all of his friends that they slept together, even though they didn't. Even though that was a long time ago it still puts me on high alert.
But there he is on my Daily 5. Apparently we're like a 88% match. So my question to you readers, if you're on if he's in my Daily 5, will I be in his? I can just see the awkwardness that could possibly ensue.
[EDIT: I just realized that now he'll be able to see that I looked at his profile, so he will see me and probably click on mine. Fuck. I did it to myself though, actually clicking on his profile. Good thing I have a good sense of humor and awkward situations are pretty much my standard lifestyle.]
2 years ago
My advice? Wink at any guy that seems semi-interesting. If they like your profile too, they will probably send you a message and then you can go from there. I noticed that I got so many more emails after I started winking at people. And who cares if they don't wink/write back? It's the internet. You'll probably forget about them in 2 minutes anyway, haha.