Sunday, January 11, 2009

The aftermath

I finally talked to my Mom today. I'm just so sad about the whole situation. I'm not even angry anymore, just sad. I wish that it didn't have to come down to a DUI before she got help. In a way, I'm thankful that this happened because it gave me the chance to finally be honest for the first time in my life. And there's no denying it now. And she knows that, and agrees with everything I had to say.

I just want things to be different. She says she's never going to drink a drop of alcohol ever again in her life. But part of me is thinking, how realistic is that? But then again, I don't really know that much about addiction. Does it have to be cold turkey? Or can she learn to control it? I have no idea.

Hopefully the judge will at least let her drive to work. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen. I just wish I could be there with my sister. Luckily, she's going back to MSU today so she doesn't have to be dragged down by this situation. But it sucks. Sometimes I hate her but I'm so glad that I have Audrey. I can't imagine going through this without her.

So now I'm just sitting here watching the Giants suck right now against the Eagles. Boo. I wanted to have a team to cheer for in the Super Bowl for ONCE in my life. Maybe next year. I can't stop stuffing my face with Haagen Daaz strawberry sorbet. Oh well, at least it's fat-free, right?

On a horrifying health related note- Wii Fit said I was OBESE!!!! Ugh. I know I'm overweight but I didn't think it would classify me as OBESE. I feel like I can never believe that kind of stuff because I have a lot of muscle and am only a size 14. Is a size 14 OBESE? Sorry I keep having to capitalize it, but it's just that sort of word. In happier news, it said that my Wii Fit age was only 20, which is 2 years younger than I really am. Glad I'm getting a kick-start on the aging process.

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